Installing yex

yex is not yet in the Python package repository, so you’ll have to install from source. This makes the instructions overly complicated. If they don’t work for you, I’d love to hear about it.

I’m going to assume you have Python, git, and make installed, and that you’re using a Unix-like system (Linux, BSD, or a Mac).

yex runs under Python 3, not Python 2. You can tell which you have by typing

python --version

If it tells you it’s Python 2, Python 3 might be available by writing python3 instead of python.

How to install yex

Get the code:

git clone
cd yex

Build a virtual environment for it:

make venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies, which will take ages:

make dependencies

Run the tests, to check everything’s working:

make test

They might not all pass, because you’re running a development build. But if they all succeeded, or mostly all succeeded, let’s go ahead and install it.

If you followed the instructions and built a virtual environment:

make install

If you didn’t, you’ll have to use sudo. I’ll assume you know how to do that.

Now let’s go on and start using it!